Physical Therapy
What is Physical Therapy?

Pediatric Physical Therapy is a health and rehabilitation profession that provides services to children with congenital, neurological, and other developmental disabilities that affect motor function related to postural control, ambulation skills, balance/coordination, and gross motor skill development. Physical therapists work closely with the child and their caregivers to help build optimal motor function to provide increased success and independence with daily activities within their home, school, and community environments

What are the Benefits?
Improvements in a variety of functional areas including, but not limited to:
• Ambulation/gait and other functional mobility skills
• Balance
• Body and safety awareness skills
• Bracing/orthotics
• Cardiovascular endurance
• Cardiovascular endurance
• Coordination and motor planning skill
• Gross motor skills and coordination

• Head and trunk control
• Muscle tone
• Pain management
• Posture and biomechanical alignment
• Sensorimotor integration
• Strengthening

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